Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (1993)
Plot Summary
In response to Japan's request for a countermeasure against Godzilla, UN engineers construct Mechagodzilla, a giant robotic version of Godzilla. Nonetheless, Godzilla proves himself a force to be reckoned with against this monstrosity and battle ensues. Meanwhile a research group discovers an ancient Pteradon egg AND a fully grown pteradon as well who turns out to be Rodan. The abscond the egg and it eventually hatches not a baby Rodan but a baby Godzilla! Baby as it's known attaches itself to the lead female scientist. Eventually Baby would be used as bait in taking Godzilla once and for all.
Well, if you go by the reviews on IMDB i'm in the minority opinion on this flick. It just never really grabbed me. Actually, let me rephrase that, I did find the beginning to be pretty interesting seeing a UN/Japanese run agency out to destroy Godzilla and back engineering the Mecha King Ghidorah to do so was a pretty good update on the concept but the whole baby godzilla thing just ruined it for me. I dunno, maybe I wasn't in a mood to watch the movie but the cutesy nature of Baby and the scientist girl being its mother figure was just too much for me. The acting wasn't very good and bringing in the psychic Miki Saegusa character to play a big role in this rubbed me the wrong way as I never really liked the whole "psychic connection to Godzilla/monsters" thing that she has as well as the little kids at the psychic research center.
I will say this though, the designs were top notch as Mecha Godzilla REALLY looked like it could do some major damage and I liked the more naturalistic updating of Rodan. Baby Godzilla was made to still look cute BUT he looked more "natural" if you get what I mean. The fight scenes were pretty good but again I just couldn't get myself hooked on the story.
* 1/2 stars
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